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The Department of Nestorian Studies was was founded in June 2017 in follow up to the recent developments in Nestorian archeology within the territory of Kazakhstan. It comes under the Archeological Institute of the Kazakhstan Academy of Sciences.
The primary goal of the Department of Nestorian Studies is to create infrastructure which will facilitate the research and development of the Nestorian history of Kazakhstan and Central Asia, recruit the top experts in the field as well as promising young Kazakhstan students, and creating the best possible atmosphere for them to conduct research and publish findings.

Acton Research serves as the academic research facility of the Acton Institute. It accommodates in-house and externally-based scholars from a variety of nationalities, Christian confessions, and intellectual disciplines. These disciplines include theology, philosophy, history, economics, and law. The investigations of these scholars attempt to clarify the foundations of a free, humane, and virtuous society. Their work is guided by an uncompromising commitment to human dignity, economic liberty, the recognition of the benefits of a limited government, the pursuit of truth, and faith in the one true God.

The Religious Freedom & Business Foundation is publishing a new series of analysis and data on the connection between religious freedom and sustainable development.

Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights defines Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) as follows: “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.”

The Colson Center Library contains many resources, from books and articles to audio and video, presenting the Christian worldview and describing how this worldview penetrates all spheres of a society, (Community/Government, Creation/Environment, Culture/Institutions, Economics/Vocation, Education/Development, Relationships, Religion/Spirituality, Science/Technology) impacting and shaping the societies where it is present.

Transforming Business is a multi-disciplinary research and development project based at the Von Hügel Institute, St Edmund’s College, University of Cambridge.

Surrounding the project is a growing network of business ethicists, economists, practitioners, consultants, psychologists, educators and opinion formers in research institutions and companies around the world. They are united in their passion to integrate their faith with their knowledge and skills to address the most pressing social, economic, and moral challenge of our time: the elimination of poverty within the constraints of finite natural resources.